Monday, November 5, 2007

Flash News Inspirations

Walter A. Bailey
Now is the Time - to meet career artist Walter A. Bailey and review his humble offering to Fine aRT.

There’s a new kid on the block with something for art and artists. I call him,“ Color Master Blaster”. He is a 59 year old late bloomer, Baby Boomer who spent his maturing years exploring his “Gift of aRT”. He sought to improve creative skills and define his artistic identity. You may call him “Brother Rap”.

The result is Rap's catalytic moment, when the technique for producing aRT on acrylic polymer was born. Thirty years later Acrylic aRT Paintings is here for you to review.

Sample original aRT on Acrylic Polymer Paintings by Rap Bailey

In the Beginning – Finding a way
On or about thirty something years ago young aspiring artist Walter A. Bailey was emotionally obsessed with aRT. The turbulent years of the 1950’s and 60’s influenced rapid changes in society inspiring a generation of visionary artists. These times of continuing change also inspired a powerful philosophical transition deep within Walter’s soul. The spirit, consciousness and politics of his aRT ultimately changed with those times. He gained the name “Brother Rap”.

Leaving the Nest of Traditional
During these transitional years I left the safety net of traditional canvas/paper path and ventured into the world of non-traditional experimental mediums. I wanted more from my aRT. I wanted uniqueness.
I tried mediums-of-the-day included painting on glass, mirrors, Black velvet and burlap cloth. These aRT venues of the 1960’s & 70’s were experimental at best and died as fad or gimmick art by the 1980’s. We called them Fly-by-Nights. They were not my purpose and did not fulfill my needs. I needed form and discipline not a passing experiment.

“I wanted a unique “look”, for my aRT; something strikingly eye catching to enhance my aRTworks and advance a bold ethno-cultural style discernable from all other artists’ works. Futuristic and 21st century best describe my desire.

The Moment at Hand
After a time experimenting with materials, mediums, techniques and disciplines my moment arrived. In 1977 a friend offered a small acrylic panel for my experiments. Determined to find, “my place” in the mysterious zone called, “aRT world” I began dabbling with acrylic polymers as a material for producing fine aRT. This small act opened a new door and changed my destiny.

Painting on Acrylics is born.
Within five years of extensive practicing, experimenting and conducting trials I developed a technique for producing fine graphic aRTworks on the reverse side of a clear acrylic pre-cut sheets. I found both the art presentation and the “look” I wanted in acrylic polymers.
As I continued to explore acrylics as a viable material for fine graphic art my interest continued. The most unique and observable feature is the highly reflective glass-like appearance of the finished art works. It seemed, the more I used acrylics the more reasons surfaced to continue using it.

Color Master Blaster of Acrylic Polymer aRT
By the end of the 1980’s I had mastered multiple color applications, pigment overlays, intricate line detailing and texture refinement for acrylic painting. Early on in my training years I acquired a natural skill in applying color strategy in composition. Working diligently to create an instinctive color strategy for each painting, I transcended traditional color standards replacing them with a color application process that offered an infinite range of blends and textures.
I grew totally comfortable with the means and methodology of color strategy and applications required to present the general public works of aRT for prime and pleasure. aRT on Acrylics require a color process to enhance the quality and aesthetic value of each work. Color Master Blaster grew out of this requirement.

Next Generations of Acrylic Artists
Once the technique had been explored, refined and defined I never looked back at traditional mediums. During the past thirty years, I only scratched the surface for acrylic uses and applications for fine aRT. As is traditional, I am ready to pass thirty years of experience with acrylics to new generations of visionaries. Others will take the concept and pioneer its next levels.

The medium is called Art on Acrylic Polymers. Artworks created on acrylics are Acrylic Polymer Paintings. Acrylics have been my signature art for most of my artistic life.

Evolution of aRT on Acrylics
Acrylics as fine aRT evolved out of artist Walter A. Baileys search to enhance his personal style. Patients, persistence and pursuit over many years of trials and error present a unique medium for creative endeavors. Evolution of aRT On aCRYLICs.

Copyrights of Walter A. Bailey 07

The field of Fine aRT, as all thing governed by Universal Laws of Nature, must change. Techniques, methodologies, materials and mediums evolve up the scale to advance the disciplines of visual aRT.
aRT on AcRYLICS is classified as an evolution in Fine aRT. The medium evolved out of the search for a unique signature to distinguish one artist works from another. Over years of experimentation and production a discipline evolved and aRT on acRYLICs was born.

First Generation aCRYLIC aRT - One Color Process
My first generation attempts of aRT on acrylic polymers were one color rudimentary works. I worked in one color applications. Limitations included problems with composition, design, color strategy and dimensional perspective. Also Color applications, inscribing design to a smooth acrylic surface, intricate line control, ability to incorporate texture in designs and temperature variations, presented challenges to this endeavor.

Challenges associated with acrylic did not deter me from investigating the material. It’s highly reflective finished aRTworks intrigued me. Once I determined acrylic potential and discovered it properties as a viable material for fine graphic aRT my interest continued.
It seemed, the more I used acrylics the more reasons surfaced to continue using it.

Acrylic Polymers in Fine aRT
It is well known Acrylic polymers are “the” material for new century furnishings and décor. Though Acrylics are used for a variety of innovative products artist Walter A. Bailey pioneered its use for Fine Graphic aRT.
He discovered advantages using polymers as aRTworks include durability and longevity. An unexpected feature was color enhancement properties of acrylics. The materials amplify color pigments to high quality brilliance when permanently applied to its surface. I am told by industry experts, acrylics enhances optical radiance of colors pigments magnifying these light rays as they pass through the acrylic material. The reflection of color pigments, applied to the surface are enhanced ten fold providing an observable brilliance to each painting.

Color Master Blaster of Acrylic Polymer aRT
By the end of the 1980’s I had mastered multiple color applications, pigment overlays, intricate line detailing and texture refinement. I also acquired during early years a natural skill in applying color strategy in composition. A unique process of employing instinctive color strategies transcended traditional color standards replacing it with a color application allowing each work an infinite range of blends and textures.
I am totally comfortable with the means and methodology of color strategy and applications required to present the general public works of art for their prime and pleasure.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007